Oil Painting in a Modern Interior


Painting in the interior serves as an indispensable assistant in the placement of the necessary accents and harmony. Even having updated the room with a fresh renovation. It will remain inhospitable and uncomfortable without elements of interior decor. Therefore, the role of paintings in any room is comparable in importance to the presence of comfortable and comfortable furniture.

There are many different techniques for painting, but oil paintings. Which are presented here, have a special charm. The main components of special oil art paints are drying oil (flax, poppy, walnut) and dry pigment. They work with oil paints on canvas. Oil-painted canvases are durable with proper care.

Paintings and interior design

Painting is considered one of the main tools in a designer’s work. Style and beauty, comfort, and special energy. The original completed design of the room is just a small list of tasks that can be easily handled by correctly selected and placed paintings.

Picturesque canvases in the room will help to correctly place accents, to provide an optimal perception of the interior by performing zoning or adjusting the perception of the furniture.

In addition, good pictures give great aesthetic pleasure. They speak of the good taste of the host, which is important in creating an appropriate image when receiving important guests.

Paintings and styles of interior design

Selected works of art in accordance with the style decisions adopted in the design of the room will help emphasize the importance and strengthen the chosen style and form an emotional background.

Canvases made in the Baroque style, romanticism, realism with a beautiful and laconic rich baguette are suitable for a classic interior. These can be images in both bright and pastel colors of landscapes, portraits.

Japanese-style rooms are characterized by designs on silk with floral designs or mythological animals.

Styles of minimalism, high-tech ideally emphasize canvases with abstract or futuristic images.

Reproductions of the impressionists, antique paintings, where people, animals, flowers, cars, heraldic signs are displayed, will look perfect in the English style.

Oil painting in a modern interior

Interior painting

Painting in the interior is not only paintings. This type of decor also includes an artistic painting of walls, ceilings, windows. Which is performed by a master in accordance with a design project. It is not difficult to find such a master, as a rule. Where there is a wholesale sale of paintings, the services of professional artists are also provided. It can be both online stores and stores in real life.

For interior painting, in addition to traditional oil paints, acrylic, stained glass, fluorescent paints, colored plaster, etc. are used. In some cases, the interior painting looks more profitable and harmonious, for example, in children’s rooms.


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