Hellow Crafter!Today we make this amazing DIY easy winter light up snowman craft!This was easy and not expansive you can make winter light up only in 20 minutes.That was an amazing gift for adults, kids, favor party, and parties etc.You can see the whole project video below the article.
Materials used for this project:
- Glitter
- Razor Blade for cutting something
- Elmer’s School Glue
- Fabric that was only for optional
- Battery/Flicker light for Light Turn on/off
- Ping Pong Ball
- Permanent Markers
Step One: Ping pong ball of the bottom cut with an “X”.Kids do not do this step.You can do this step at any place but I do this most of parties class.
Step Two: In ping pong ball you can draw any of your desire faces using markers and wait for 3 to 5 minute for dry it.
Step Three: You can use any glue to paint but I use Elmer’s clear school glue to paint it.
Step Four: This step is only for optional if you desire then you can use this step.Using ping pong ball candle and battery.
Step Five: Now you can using glue on the sprinkle glitter and wait for 2 to 5 minute for dry the glue.
Step Six: This is optional use a piece of fabric to make it tie around the light of flicker to like its scarf.
Step Seven and final step Using a battery to the tea light to turn on and enjoy.
This craft you can use for a party and favors gifts.
Thatsall we finished it For your better guidance I will post my whole project video you may like this and that helps you a lot.You can also check my more interested DIY creation to check my website daily.